Exploring the history of Malmesbury and surrounding villages


We meet every two months on the 3rd Thursday of that month at 7.30 pm to hold informal short talks by members about their chosen subject and discuss areas of interest.

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We are always looking for new members and we'll be happy to sign you up if you come to our next meeting, membership is only £10 a year. If you require any information please email us at:


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2024 Programme

Thursday July 18th Malmesbury Town Hall
In a Different Light  The story so far of the extensive and ongoing Medieval Graffiti Survey of Lacock Abbey - our speaker will be the director of the project Tony Hack FSA

Thursday 19th September Malmesbury Town Hall
The Artwork in the Whole Hog and its connection to Richard lll and Henry Tudor plus Malmesbury's Worldwide Connection,s our speaker will be MHS member David Witt who has researched both subjects.  There may also  be time for a short archaeological handling session

Thursday 21st November Malmesbury Town Hall 
Dr Catherine Spence archivist; Joseph Priestly and the Discovery of Oxygen at Bowood House


Many thanks to Hazel Humphries who has supplied information from her recent fascinating talk on her ancestor William Chappell of the Green Dragon Inn. It is now available under Research.